
Custom Web Development - Microsoft Stack

The project was aimed to improve the productivity and safety in the height access industry

Business Challenges

Proving the accessibility of assets and being able to effectively manage the same without any issues is key to your enterprise. Struggling to securely dispose of assets and tracking the procurement for disposal

The need to identify and mange audit and compliance issues needs to be solved at the earliest to ensure smooth functioning

Digital record keeping platform for asset access, importing of assets and reconciling existing assets for effective business performance

Requirement for asset transfer and sharing among companies that are part of the supply chain network

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Dark Mode

Like a lightning in the dark sky, our website shines bright even on a dark night.

Brightness Control

Bright or Dark, the control is yours, Listen to your eyes, for it tires a lot.

Hibernate Mode

Worry not of the energy consumed, when the Polar Bear mode is all for you.